Submit Your Time Card

The Wilson Group appreciates your commitment and dedication in the workplace. When you are on assignment, our parent company, Unique Employment Services is your legal employer.  To receive your paycheck, you will need to complete a weekly Unique Employment time card. Our payroll week begins on Monday and ends Sunday. Your completed time card is due in our office by 12 pm on Monday following your work week. After obtaining your supervisor’s signature, please scan, attach and email your completed timecard to or fax your timecard to 361-653-7990.   As our employee, it is your responsibility to obtain your supervisor’s signature and ensure the time card is received by Unique Employment for timely processing. Payroll is deposited to your bank account or money network card from Unique Employment Services via ACH the following Friday.  If you have any questions, please call Unique Employment Services at 361-852-6392.

Fillable_Unique_Time 2018


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)



    We are eager to get you matched perfectly with the right talent or the right employer. Our years of experience translate to great starts.

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