Job interviews are already intimidating enough as is, but if you throw trying to communicate via Skype into the mix, it can feel like that awkwardness is multiplied by a thousand. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with these helpful tips, so you can focus on what’s most important— getting the job!
1. Plan Ahead!
You want to come off as professional as possible, so if you know ahead of time that you’re going to have a video interview, then plan out what you want the camera to see. A plain background is best; You also don’t want to look silly by having a plant or something else looking like it’s growing out of your head. But what’s most crucial is just making sure that everything in the background is tidy and orderly. You don’t have to clean the whole room, but at least just straighten up the area that will be shown on camera.
2. Check The Time Zones
If the employer is located somewhere outside your timezone, make sure you communicate with them about whether the time you plan to interview is your timezone or theirs. Here is a nifty website if you need help figuring out what time the interview is at!
3. Update Software Before the Meeting
Leave an hour or two before the scheduled interview free so you can update the software to be the most recent version. This is crucial. Nothing is more embarrassing than getting on a Skype call and then the employer is not able to hear/see you.
4. Dress the Part
Even if the Skype interview is from the comfort of your own home, dress as though you were going in for an in-person interview. Do not– and I repeat, do not– wear pajama bottoms because you think only your shoulders up will be shown on video. If for some reason you have to stand up during the Skype interview, sweatpants would instantly make you lose all credibility. Give yourself your best shot to succeed!
For more interview tips and tricks, check out some of our other blogs.