2016 Work Goals

New year, new goals! It’s not too late to make the most of 2016 by making and following up on your career ambitions. Check out these tips to assist you in your accomplishments!


Stay organized
We get it – you’re busy. With so many things going on at once, it’s hard to stay organized. However, staying organized is one of the best ways to remain productive and energetic. This year, make it a goal to keep your office space clean. Do so by organizing that “junk” drawer by adding containers for all of those odds-and-ends. This can be anything from small cups and boxes to even an ice cube tray. And keep it organized all year long by cleaning it out every three months.

Contribute to a good work environment
Happy co-workers, happy life! Studies show that a good work environment is one of the most crucial factors for employee satisfaction. Contribute to a happy workplace by consciously building positive relationships with your co-workers. Remember to help them with small tasks, show your appreciation, and focus on teamwork. Remaining positive and enthusiastic will make everyone’s work environment a little brighter.

Get that promotion
If one of your 2016 ambitions is to get the promotion of your dreams, do so by volunteering for additional tasks, taking initiative, and maintaining a positive attitude. And don’t forget to put intentional effort into your job. Employers say that working hard and holding up your end of a task makes you more eligible to get that promotion.

Time management
Good time management is tough, but necessary for productivity. Make 2016 as efficient as possible by focusing on managing your time and efforts well. First of all, take time to plan your day. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes every morning, make a list of tasks you want to accomplish and make a conscious effort to follow up on it throughout the day. Secondly, block out social media and other distractions. Doing so will allow you to be more productive and also give you something to look forward to on your breaks. Lastly, don’t be afraid to say “no”. Prioritize the things that you have time for and that are important to you.

Career change
If one of your 2016 goals is to change your career, let The Wilson Group help! Not only can we assist you with finding the job of your dreams, but we can help you get it too.

We take pride in making the perfect match in a variety of industries including accounting, banking, engineering, healthcare, chemical, green energy, oil and gas, legal, manufacturing, and technical. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts by calling (361) 883-3535 or visiting our website.

What Does a Good Work Environment Look Like?

When considering the aspects of a job, it’s important to think about the work environment and the effect it can have on your day-to-day life. Having a great work environment can add important benefits to your life that will help you be successful at the office.


Anyone who has had a boss or supervisor has probably uttered the words “I just don’t know what he/she wants me to do.” Lack of communication is a common problem that we face each and every day. Great communication amongst co-workers is a sign of a great work environment and provides a major benefit – less confusion and clear direction when tackling projects. Regardless of where you land on the hierarchy chart at the office, great communication skills are essential to being efficient at work. If you’re communicating your thoughts clearly you will be more productive and successful at work.


A work environment that breeds’ team spirit can create a sense of unity that benefits the people working in that environment. After all, we are all human and when work gets tough, it’s a great feeling to know you have your co-workers to support you. Clear communication can lay out what a company’s goals are and from there you and your co-workers can get behind that goal to accomplish it together. Having a team-oriented office is an important benefit of a successful work environment because it can keep people from feeling isolated and overwhelmed with their jobs.


Showing recognition for hard work can be critical to creating a successful work environment. Merit based recognition is the key to this being a positive benefit in the workplace. Often times praise is not given to the correct people when a major accomplishment is achieved. Being sure to give appreciation and praise to the right people can create a work environment that is enthusiastic towards producing superior work. As an employee, this will help you feel appreciated and it will motivate you to continue to excel at the office.


A positive work environment can entail many things. The ideas previously listed are important principal ideas that provide benefits such as an enjoyable, efficient, and successful workplace. Remember to attain a great work environment and to yield these benefits your office needs to be full of clear communicators, form a team focused atmosphere, and always recognize superior work by showing appropriate praise and appreciation. If you’re looking to find a great work environment, come check out our website, where we can find a perfect match for you!



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