Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Interviewing can be the most stressful aspect of the job search process, but it doesn’t have to be! Here’s a quick checklist of the most important Do’s and Don’ts to be aware of before going in for your next interview.


Research the company
Come to the interview with a prepared list of questions tailored specifically to the company and position. This will communicate your interest and make you stand apart from applicants asking more general questions.

Re-read job description
Adapt the verbs and strengths used in the job description to fit answers that may apply to your previous experience and qualifications.

Use the STAR method
The easiest way to remember how to respond to situational interview questions is to use the STAR method, which stands for: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. You can begin to use this method for your answers by first explaining the context of the overall Situation. Then you’d move on to describe the issues of the Task at hand, and what specific Actions you took to solve it. And lastly, detail what you learned from the end Result.


Be negative
It’s okay to explain the certain challenges of a past position and what you’ve learned from those experiences, but speaking poorly about a company or an old boss will only reflect badly on yourself. Keep all your answers in a positive light.

Fumble on responses
Rather than using filler words such as “um” or “uh” before responding to a question, it’s perfectly acceptable to say “let me think about that,” and collect your thoughts before beginning to speak. This will convey your confidence and ability think strategically in the moment.

Forget about body language
First impressions matter. So it’s paramount that you remember to make eye-contact and smile when first shaking hands with your interviewer. Furthermore, avoid crossing your arms, slouching, or nervously touching your hands or face throughout the interview as these movements can show lack of seriousness or relay nervousness.

For more tips and tricks feel free to check out our blog and to search for job opportunities, visit our website!

The Perfect Time To Change Your Strategy!


Fall is a time for change, and maybe the change that you’re ready to make is a career change! Changing your career can be rewarding and an opportunity for you to grow both personally and professionally. If you’re entering into the job search, The Wilson Group has plenty to offer that can benefit you and help you land the job of your dreams.

Resume Refresher: Resume styles and writing techniques are constantly evolving – that’s where we come in! We take your existing resume and “refresh” it. We update it utilizing the latest formats and key phrases/words that will impress employers. More importantly, we have unlocked the secret to successfully applying online. We will train you on applying online and getting your resume into the hiring authorities hands. If your current resume isn’t working for you, let us make it a winner!

One-on-One Interview Coaching: Interviewing is an art – make sure you’re fully prepared! Let the experts help you perfect your interviewing skills. Each session is 1 hour in length and covers common questions and job-winning answers that will help you be your best. Also, the session include the top 10 reasons people fail in interviews and how to avoid the pitfalls!

Career Coaching: Meeting with a career coach can help you develop a plan of action before you change careers. We can help identify your strengths and outline a career path for you. We want you to have confidence in the road ahead – let us guide you!

Between our resume refresher, interview coaching, and career coaching, we set you up to succeed. It’s our goal to help you land an amazing job where you can flourish. Check out our website or call us at (361) 883-3535 to begin your road to success!


We are eager to get you matched perfectly with the right talent or the right employer. Our years of experience translate to great starts.

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